We exist to…

Community Centric Fundraising

We Value->

➽ Moving intentionally with agency
➽ Moving from DEI to real systems change*
➽ Connecting and joining with existing efforts rather than creating new ones**

* These are some of the outcomes that represent real systems change to us, in no particular order:

  • Disability justice
  • Climate justice
  • Green economy worldwide
  • Ocean ecologies sustained
  • Zero hunger
  • Permanent housing solutions
  • Access to basic human rights for all

** We all need each other; we have roles to play, and it’s time we realized how an interdependent system supports us all! Read Deepa Iyer’s Social Change Ecosystem Map

We are:

➽ An unaffiliated group of individuals and organizations who wish to exercise our power as grant professionals to enact systems change.

➽ Recognizing that our unique position between funders and nonprofits creates opportunity for advocacy.

➽ Committed to leveraging our power, expertise, knowledge, passion, and experience for collective good.

We began:

➽ With community and conversation in the CCF Grant Writers Slack channel. In an effort to β€œdo” rather than just talk, A Village for Good purchased an exhibitor’s table and joined a group of grant professionals to create an opportunity at the GPA Summit for authentic conversation about the role of grant writers in social and economic justice.